Perhaps this one little reply by President Obama when asked about the Tea Parties sums it up better than anything just how out of touch Washington DC is. "I was unaware." Oh really?
I surmise we are to believe that like we are supposed to believe the President of the United States did not submit himself (and his country he represents) by bowing to a Muslim leader. In that case, however, we saw it with our own eyes. In this case, Homeland Security issued a warning about "conservative radicals" in direct reference to the upcoming tea parties. I believe we, the people, can call the Presidents bluff again. Is he now saying, he is not aware of what homeland Security issues?
This is insulting to Americans and Americans are now becoming aware of the superficial spin. Talk about transparency. The veneer of this Administration and its intent to have us become little beggars is more transparent every day.
I attended two tea parties yesterday: 4/15/2009. They were in Mobile and Fairhope Alabama. Total people involved in these peaceful, non partisan gatherings were more than 1500, not counting the horns blowing in support of passing cars. Patriots all across America ranged from a few to 10,000 and more per gathering.
Veterans, who have seen the best and worst of America, were there by the hundreds and we heard their concerned and passionate voices. College students organized the Mobile Party. Children were there with their parents, realizing their very future to a pursuit in happiness and liberty was at stake. Octogenarians were there because they had "not seen anything like this in my life."
In attendance were Obama supporters who held up signs stating this was NOT the change they had hoped for. There was mingling in the crowds, a swell in our hearts as we introduced ourselves to each other, not as radicals and rebel rousers, but as Americans who want smaller government, a hope for the future and our Constitution back in one piece.
We collectively agreed the economic problems did not start with this Administration, but this Administration is driving a freight train through our Constitution and our rights, as well demonstrating extreme fiscal irresponsibility. There is nothing unpatriotic about Americans of all colors,cultures, party affiliations and backgrounds gathering to say, "NO MORE."
THAT is what the President needs to be aware of.
Bush kissed the same person that Obama gave a bow to (its a greeting in some countries - like a handshake or a kiss on the cheek in other cultures).... Please people, if you are going to insult someone, do just the tiniest bit of research.
Oh he was aware of the Tea Parties, we have been snickering at them for weeks. I was going to include some Daily Show links, but bleh, I am not sure you would appreciate the humor.
Though, honestly "non partisan gatherings" - are you really trying to sell that one to people?
Here are some links for change you can believe in:
I love the part in the torture memos where they authorized banging someone's head against the wall in a controlled manner. How do you explain supporting a party that allow this?You have to love the irony of the Right learning to like Al Gore - sort of.And just for fun, a post that you can troll because they dare say something poor about Sarah Palin.I was going to share some links from other supporters of the "tea parties", but even I couldn't do it. Suffice is to say that the racist part of America was behind you 100% of the way.
As to the fine young lady who asked about what I have done for my country, I served with honor Ma'am. Sounds like you have too, and while we may not agree, please accept my thanks for your fine efforts on our behalf!
Rick Beagle
Rick I would imagine if you had done any research you would know heads of state do NOT BOW. A first in the 232 year history of the republic. ( It will be 233 years on July 4 2009 just so you don't get confused)
And the daily show is a blast I'm sure we get the humor. THANK GOD Stewart hasn't been doing those Teabagging jokes like Olberman and Maddow all week cause that is SOOO original and show great intelligence. Keep ignoring it, I love our chances in 2010.
And as for racists supporting the tea parties there were a lot of democrats that were there yesterday that I'm sure aren't racists Racists as you know have had a home in the democratic party since the civil war but you kinda showed a lack of historical knowledge on your first point so I guess you would have missed that too. At your next gathering on intellects tell Robert Byrd howdy!!!
Thanks for your service by the way. I'm grateful for it and also for the people who would rough up a terrorist or shoot them like the Navy Seals did last week when they threaten our citizens or country.
T. LaDuke
"And as for racists supporting the tea parties there were a lot of democrats that were there yesterday that I'm sure aren't racists Racists as you know have had a home in the democratic party since the civil war but you kinda showed a lack of historical knowledge on your first point so I guess you would have missed that too. At your next gathering on intellects tell Robert Byrd howdy!!!"
How things have changed. I am looking at all of the pictures that I can find and guess how many people of color I see in those "protests"? Not a single one....
Got census?
See you folks in 2010, oh and please say "Howdy" to David Duck oh sorry, Dukkke, and that domestic terrorist err secessionist Texas governor.
Rick Beagle
PS.... no comments on the torture memos? sure will be nice to see a few people heading off to jail for those pesky crimes against humanity....
I finally found a piece of satire you might enjoy!
Tea PartyI really do hope you enjoy it, as it is particularly clever. No "tea bagging" jokes LaDuke.
Maybe you should magnify the pictures cause I know at my rally there were all types of people. But being you are part of the QUOTA regime I understand your problem. Dems still have some explaining to do of course for opposing most of the civil right initiatives of the 50's and 60's.
That David Duke line was really clever, from that I can gather you weren't in Military intelligence were you?
As for you kiddies getting all worked up about these " Criminal memos" No one is going to Jail. Sorry. Wait till they Re institute Water boarding the bad guys again. Just like he is keeping the Bush era NSA spying on the bad guys program, detaining bad guys without reading them Miranda rights even though they aren't U.S Citizens etc etc.
I have no problem with those who would point a gun directly or indirectly at the U S getting the Nave Seal treatment, I sleep better at night.
I guess you don't
The ruddy complexion of obese old white men does not equal "people of color".
As for justice not prevailing, it is my distinct hope that you are wrong, and that we find the guilty shackled at our very own Nuremberg Trials.
Yes, I have noticed many BO supporters lamenting "this was not the change they had hoped for". May I inject the definition of change from a wolf's perspective. I stress the greatest lesson from wolves may be in what they REFUSE TO CHANGE. Their lives epitomize loyalty, teamwork, and interdependence. They take care of their young and their elderly as well. They know what is important to them, and they are prepared to fight to hold on to it. They are adaptable animals in terms of geography and prey, but their VALUES are never compromised. My values embrace that which our "founding fathers" authored in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution which is not a "living document" to be compromised (changed)! Perhaps disappointed BO supporters should come howl at the moon with me. (And you!)
Wondering why the detractors here have ignored the main point of the story....that Obama has now lied to us twice. First, the bow. Now the "I Am Unaware" comment.
Typical strawman arguments from the left to dodge the real issue at hand. Care to address why Obama is lying to the public?
You CAN' T blame President Obama that he was un aware of the TEA parties. If Teleprompter One does not inform him of these things how is he supposed to know?
The reason we didn't respond to your accusations of lying is simply because the comments are ridiculous. Even if I gave you plausible elements to support his position, you still would not listen to it.
Why? Because you have already made up your mind and no amount of facts will sway you from your chosen opinion.
So, in the mean time, we just mock you and your absolutely insane posts.
Rick Beagle
Okay, Rick, I'll call your bluff. Tell me why it is Obama said he didn't bow to the King, when everyone saw it for their own eyes on video.
Okay, bluff called....
Actually, let me respond to two comments if I may:
1) the bow
2) the teleprompter
1) No one gives a crap about whether he bowed or not. I saw the bow, and it was an awkward informal greeting similar to what is given in other countries. I also saw Bush Jr kiss him on the lips in a sloppy attempt to perform another common greeting.
Who cares?! I am more interested in the results of their discussion and whether or not we can get help on the variety of issues that plague us in the region.
Why in the hell are you focusing on a bow, when you should be focusing on the brave men and women stuck over there still? Where is your assessment on how to get those folks home safely.
You, like your Republican counterparts in congress have nothing to say on issues that really matter.
2) The Teleprompter.
Ditto. I am more interested in the message than whether he uses a speaker in his ear, 3x5 cards, or a teleprompter.
These are absolutely insane criticisms of the President. We have some real problems, how about you actually focus on those? Heck, if you could convince your Republican representatives in congress to actually do their jobs and put forward some ideas, that would be freaking great! That budget fiasco was embarrassing, and I will say it again, if they can't quit pouting and do their freaking jobs then retire.
In conclusion, this is cry baby nonsense and it will be treated as such. Use that incredible brain that you have and let's talk about solving some issues.
Nice try, but you dodged the question. I asked why Obama LIED about the bow. It's about the lie. Now the bow.
You said: "The reason we didn't respond to your accusations of lying is simply because the comments are ridiculous. Even if I gave you plausible elements to support his position, you still would not listen to it."
I'm listening. You're just not giving me any "plausible elements to support his position."
Try again. :)
*not the bow
My apologies for not addressing directly.
He did NOT bow to another government head, he bowed in greeting to another government head.
The question was clearly phrased suggesting that the POTUS bowed before a foreign government, which he responded, that he had not.
Seizing on the moment, the far right wing have insinuated that he bowed in deference to another leader and then lied about it. Which is, and was never the case.
So now let me ask you a question, why are the right trying to distract so many from our real problems rather than *actually* trying to help?
Here is the White House statement:
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah."
There's nothing about the TYPE of bow. They clearly stated it was not a bow in any way, shape or form (in deference or not).
So, back to original issue....Obama lying to the public. Having the White House lie to the American people is a HUGE issue and very "real." We all saw the tape. We all know it was a bow. Even you admitted it here.
So you still have yet to give a "reason" for why the White House would lie.
And while you're at it, explain this statement you made, "Oh he was aware of the Tea Parties."
Yet Obama said he was not aware of them. So you admit that you believe he was lying?
It appears that having the POTUS lie to the American people is fine with you and not a "real issue." Correct me if I'm wrong (and explain how I am, too, please).
Sigh, and I repeat:
Even if I gave you plausible elements to support his position, you still would not listen to it.
Why? Because you have already made up your mind and no amount of facts will sway you from your chosen opinion.
So, in the mean time, we just mock you and your absolutely insane posts.
~Rick- See the problem is, you haven't given any "plausible elements." I'm listening. Are you?
Read my last comment to you again. You can't just make stuff up that makes no sense, throw it out there, and call it a "plausible element."
I'LL repeat: The White House said there was NO bow and that Obama was bending down to the King's height. You said it was about the type of bow.
That doesn't mesh with the White House statement. So now if you can give me a *plausible* reason why the White House would lie and say it wasn't a bow, but bending to the leader's height, when we all know it was a bow, including you, that would be great.
But if you can't come up with anything plausible, the onus is on you, not me.
~T- "Hold out one hand for HOPE & CHANGE and the other for BULLSHIT and see which one fills up first.Ahahaha!! I want that on a t-shirt!
Hi all,
I was wondering who spoke at the Boston TeaParty from SGP 04/15/09.
I was there and her speech was right on point. It was hard to hear with the makeshift PA system made of three Megaphones. Also dose anyone know if it was taped/videoed?
Ps I don’t really care how the media/libs label us. My Mom always told me not to believe liers. Things are going to change in 2010, 2012!
Had a Good Time in So Cal. Went to the Riverside, and Redlands Events. Many motorists Honked or Waved in Support, as they drove by. I didn' really see any Trouble Makers. Everyone was well behaved. Everyone has to realize that for there to be any real Change, We have to Commit Ourselves to Long Term Involvement.
Wing nuts, you can lead the to the truth, but you can't make them read, nor understand it.
The actions of the Bush Administration were illegal and immoral in more respects than you deserve to here. While we are all scraping together a way to repair the damage of his legacy, you keep crying about that "bow".
Since any normal human being would think that was an absurd item to focus on, I am guessing you have ulterior motives.
Given the fact that many of the bullets contained in your recent posts are also on racially offensive web sites, let me ask you plainly - are you racists?
Is the reason that you can't let this matter drop because you are angry that a man of color is in the White House?
Of course people who are crazy don't need a reason to hate, but on a hunch, figured I would ask.
ugh errors corrected:
Wing nuts, you can lead them to the truth, but you can't make them read, nor understand it.
The actions of the Bush Administration were illegal and immoral in more respects than you deserve to hear.
Rick Beagle
Any rational individual who understands history knows the Democratic party has been and most likely always will be the party of racists.
I could give a damn what color the skin or gender of the President of the United States is, you worry about it because of things that happened in the past which we both had no control over. You worry about that, I don't. I worry about how I act and treat people today, you feel guilty about something you I'm sure personally did not do yourself.
Or do you?
And of course the VILE hate comes from the left. I can't wait for the ever so popular NAZI's slogan to be thrown around on the next matter the President has opposition too. I always love that one because the people getting in your FACE act just like the FASCISTS they are denouncing but they never know Hitler was a fascists, Hitler was a NAZI....DUMB ASSES.
Rick , what you need to do is keep finding the one's who don't think BUT FEEl like you, and try to convince them that President Obama is REALLY doing a great job. I mean I thought they would start to break promises in YR 1 but not in the first 100 days.You can spout off your nonsensical explanations but you never addressed anything I brought up because I'm sure you know THEY LIED. Bush was a bad guy boooo hooo but now PRESDIENT OBAMA has his hands on the throttle and he realizes Bush wasn't so bad, He will say so in a backhanded way but he WON'T CHANGE HIS POLICIES.
What is the term, the Sincerest form of flattery is imitation. And I won't criticize my President right now on those polices because he is right. I have never read any of your ramblings before but I'm sure you might have had a problem doing the same with Bush. You derelicts on the left could never compliment Bush, I was able to compliment and criticize, when will you do the same to the current President? You probably never will for fear of being called a racist and kicked out of the Rachel Maddow fan club.
True thinkers never have to worry about such trife
Ms Blonde Blogger,
I'm sending the idea to a committee now for consideration on the T shirt.
Do you think we could get our non enlightened friend Rick to buy a couple of shirts? ;-)
When two opposing opinions meet neither can cancel the other out. Rather they will battle for all eternity just as the various religions have done. You cannot convince someone their belief or opinion is wrong by browbeating them with your belief or opinion. Only the truth, presented evidentially can permanently sway the beliefs or opinions of others. The pursuit of truth however, requires the ability to set aside ones own beliefs and opinions. An ability, sadly, few posses and even fewer exercise. So when presenting an argument against another’s belief or opinion, be careful that it is provable fact and truth and not just your own opinion. Doing otherwise produces no gain. Chaos wins where truth and fact withdraw. But the preceding is simply…my opinion.
Having read through this blog up to where my post enters, I have noticed numerous opinions shouting as though they were facts. Specifically coming from one in particular. Following is a list which will undoubtedly illuminate the culprit:
“Oh he was aware of the Tea Parties”- Really! Are you a member of his cabinet privy to such inside information? Can you provide credentials? OPINION.
“Suffice it to say that the racist part of America was behind you 100% of the way.”- So you are personally in touch with every racist in America, to an individual, and they all agreed? OPINION.
“No one gives a crap about whether he bowed or not. I saw the bow, and it was an awkward informal greeting similar to what is given in other countries.”- You simply contradict yourself with this one. You wouldn’t be making this statement if many here on this blog, including yourself, didn’t “give a crap.” OPINION.
“You, like your Republican counterparts in congress have nothing to say on issues that really matter.”- So the only issues that matter are the ones you say matter? That puts you up there with every dictator the world has ever seen. Many here believe these issues matter. OPINION.
“These are absolutely insane criticisms of the President.”- To those making them they are perfectly sane. Can you can provide documented proof of the insanity of the critics…OPINION.
“He did NOT bow to another government head, he bowed in greeting to another government head.”- And the Whitehouse said it wasn’t a bow at all. We’re back to the covert cabinet position again. OPINION.
“Why are the right trying to distract so many from our real problems rather than *actually* trying to help”- Once again only you know what the real problems are? OPINION.
“Since any normal human being would think that was an absurd item to focus on, I am guessing you have ulterior motives.”- Interesting… So you can diagnose abnormality in people simply by what they deem important? Where did you get you PhD in psychology? When can we expect to read your published scientific research? OPINION.
“In conclusion, this is cry baby nonsense and it will be treated as such.”- While this may be true for you, others here disagree. And since you have provided no irrefutable facts or truths to back you up…OPINION.
This person did make a very good post that, had he been Medusa would have turned him to stone. Allow me to change a few words and volley it back:
The reason I have responded to your posts is simply because your comments are ridiculous. Even though I have given plausible elements to support my position, you still will not listen. Why? Because you have already made up your mind and no amount of facts will sway you from your chosen opinion. So, in the mean time, I just mock you and your absolutely insane posts.
We're not going to get anywhere with Rick, so I'm giving up. He won't give a reason for the White House lies (and again, it's the LIES that are important, not the bow), throws out random opinions as fact, and then cries foul because no one will take his made-up opinions as fact.
Typical left-wing tactics. When you have nothing rational or factual to add to a debate, start with the personal attacks and deflect from the real issues being discussed (not even going to entertain the racist accusations with a response because it's just another ad hominem attack).
Blonde Blogger, out! :)
I am an American. I am not insulted by Obama bowing to a Muslim leader. I am glad our President shows some respect to the Arab world. But actually, who really cares if he bowed? At least he didn't give a female head of state a backrub which, in any normal American business situation, would have resulted in a sexual harrassment charge!
"And of course the VILE hate comes from the left. I can't wait for the ever so popular NAZI's slogan to be thrown around on the next matter the President has opposition too. I always love that one because the people getting in your FACE act just like the FASCISTS they are denouncing but they never know Hitler was a fascists, Hitler was a NAZI....DUMB ASSES." What the hell are you blathering on about?
"What is the term, the Sincerest form of flattery is imitation."If he is imitating Bush, why do you hate him so?
He won't give a reason for the White House lies (and again, it's the LIES that are important, not the bow), throws out random opinions as fact, and then cries foul because no one will take his made-up opinions as fact. "I did.... I gave a well reasoned argument to support the fact that he did not lie. You just chose to ignore it, but let me repeat it for you and Apollo - he bowed in greeting to another government head, not in deference. When asked whether he bowed to another foreign leader (in deference) the White House responded that he did not. I can not make that any more clear to you than that.
"We're not going to get anywhere with Rick, so I'm giving up."You should.
You are simply outmatched by the truth. Which is why I am here, to counter your hate with pearls of truth.
Curious though, that you would not answer the race related question under the pretext that I am somehow insulting you. So, just so that we are clear, I asked if you were a racist, because the points of your post are almost identical to what is posted on racist sites (head over to Stormfront and look). It is entirely possible that you came up with this on your own, but what is the harm in just stating that you oppose racism?
Congratulations on constructing a somewhat reasonable group of sentences, and for the typical Rethug crowd, I am certain that you are considered a genius. Unfortunately, your arguments do not consider elements of deduction, context of wording, nor do you seem to comprehend the posts underlying message with respect to other comments herein. Therefore as a word smith I give you props, as a debater, you failed miserably.
Go back to Fox, or Red State and practice some more....
Rick Beagle
I just don't understand. Hundreds of thousands showed up across the country to protest the Iraq war, but we can only get a few hundred here and there to go teabagging with us on tax day. Doesn't this country understand what's at stake?
The tax rates are going to be raised on those who have worked the hardest and inherited the most by 4%! I know is "popular" to be mad at Wall St. for supposedly robbing the country blind, but 4%?! That's like, double 2%!
It's soo unfair. What is this country coming to?
Ha ha ha. You deleted my comment. Guess you can't stomach the truuh about your broken "democracy". Gotta love Murkins.
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